10 Self-Care Ideas to Survive Winter


When the nights draw in and the cold, harsh weather comes, you start to wonder, “how do I survive this winter?” Well,

Wonder no more because in this blog, I am providing you a survival kit, with self-care essentials in it!


Self Care Ideas to Survive the Cold Months


1. Treat Yourself

You deserve a sweet treat after a long cold day. Give yourself a break, sip a hot cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate. Draw yourself a warm bath with some lovely bath products and moisturize your skin. Light a scented candle to bring warmth and cozy savor to your home. 


2. Stay Hydrated

As temperatures drop during winter, it is not uncommon to be dehydrated. Always ensure you have the appropriate water intake in a day. 

See; tips to stay hydrated during winter


3. Eat Healthy and Smart

Eating healthy during winter can be challenging. It’s not surprising that most of us gain weight during winter. When it’s cold outside, we crave warm savory soups and comfort foods, most of which are filled with sugars, fats and starches.  You can beat this is by watching what you eat, counting calories and if you have to, eat the ‘comfort foods’ in small portions.


4. Stay Active[Exercise]

It can be hard to keep a workout routine during the winter season. But guess what? You can heat it up at home! There are tons of workouts you can do indoors.

See; how to stay fit during winter without going to the gym.


5. Adopt a Skincare Routine

During winter, the skin is prone to dry out more often because of the harsh weather condition. The dry air, frigid winds and constant exposure to indoor heat suck the moisture from skin. Therefore, according to Doris Day, MD,  a board certified dermatologist in New York, “Take a look at how your skin changes and adjust or switch out the products accordingly. In general, you need to use more gentle cleansers and richer moisturizers. 

Related; Scientifically Backed Skincare Routines for Chillier Days


6. Have a You Time

Winter is known to be depressing and emotionally demanding. In order not to lose yourself, have a few minutes away on your own, distracti0n free… and just breathe. Having a quiet time everyday is a way to recharge your mind and body.


7. Make Sleep a Priority

There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting more sleep during winter. However, more sleep is a good thing only if it’s a  quality restful sleep. Prioritize your sleep by maintaining a consistent bedtime and waking time [between 7-10 hours per night]. Good sleep helps you counter the winter blues!


8. Stay Warm

Keep yourself warm by layering up your woolens smartly so as to maintain your core body temperature without turning the central heating on. Also, make sure your is warm always.


9. Keep a Gratitude Journal

Keeping a gratitude journal will save you when the winter blues set in. It increases positivity, improves self-esteem, reduces stress and it makes you happier


10. Work Towards a Goal

Winter can be a great time to set a goal and work towards it. Slow down, pursue new hobbies and discover the things that you like. And in all, take good care of yourself!


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